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Showing posts from September, 2019

Life beyond anxiety

Having just been told by my therapist that I no longer meet the diagnosis for an anxiety disorder you would think that I would be excited and overwhelmed. Rather, I don’t know how I feel. In fact it is a combination of juxtaposing emotions that undoubtably don’t make sense. However, when you look at my journey to recovery it seems more coherent that I don’t understand or know how to react.  Having been diagnosed and subsequently labelled as an individual with an anxiety disorder since I was age 11, people who are close to me and particularly myself adapted to accommodate this disorder. Safety behaviours became concrete in my daily routine and certain events were avoided as a preventative measure of relapse or simply a panic attack. As a consequence, life without an anxiety disorder became hard to imagine or even believe was possible. In fact, it was the accommodation of the anxiety disorder which propelled and maintained the existence of anxious thoughts. Without change, life beyo